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Events are free for all registered Juf Julia's students!

Facebook events via Zoom with Juf Julia!

In the meantime, lots of Online events have been held, already since 2020. Full of enthusiasm, we all connected through Zoom. Wonderful! :-D

The idea behind these events is to keep all educational subjects simple, easy and accesible for all children, from 5 years old, and of course to learn and practice while having fun in Dutch!

And there is more to come! :-D

If you want to be informed about coming events, please send a message to! :-)

Here's an example of these great events:

​​Subject: "Let's practice the letters in Dutch with Juf Julia!"

What did we do and learn?

-Introduced ourselves

-Spelled our name

-Sang a song about the alphabet

-We practiced making (short) words by using some letters and looking at image cards!

​​Subject: "Come play Bingo with Dutch vowels and numbers"

What did we do and learn?

-Have you ever played Bingo before?

-Sang a song about Bingo

-Played Bingo with Dutch vowels and numbers from 1 to 9!

-Thought of words containing these vowels

-How many Bingo lines did you make? Let's count!

Subject: "Let's tell time in Dutch with Juf Julia!"

What did we do and learn?

-Do you know what time it is now?

-Watched a (short) video about day and night time and the clock

-Saw the difference between a digital and an analogue clock

-Learned and practiced whole and half hours

-Talked about morning, afternoon and evening routines and time

-Played a Game Quizz Show about whole and half hours :-)

Subject: "Let's learn and practice feelings and emotions in Dutch with Juf Julia!"

What did we do and learn?

-Do you know what emotions and feelings are / mean?

-We watched a short video about different emotions: angry, sad, happy, scared, suprised, shy, proud.

-We learned that the most important emotions begin with the letter "b" in Dutch!

-We played games to recognize emotions and feelings, such as "True or false" and "How would you feel if...?"

-Thanks to all we learned, we answered the question "How are you feeling today?" :-)

​Subject: "Let's learn and practice about professions in Dutch with Juf Julia!"

What did we do and learn?

-We learned what a "profession" means

-Watched a (short) video about professions and a listened to a very nice song about it too!

-Learned that people normally work to earn money and also what "volunteer" means

-We tried to figure out what we would like to become when we are older... :-/

-Played a Quizz Show game about "What belongs to a...?"

-We had fun! :-D

​Subject: " Let's learn and practice Summer and the seasons with Juf Julia!"

What did we do and learn?

-We started by learning what a "season" means and what the names of the four seasons are

-We watched very nice educational and informative videos about the Earth, Sun and seasons

-Also, we talked about all the months of the year and divided them according to the seasons

-We brainstormed about what happens during each season

-Then, we played a lot! Learning about new words related to the seasons and also searching words about the seasons :-)

​Subject: "Let's play Bingo with Dutch vowels, numbers from 0 t/m 9 and colors!"

What did we do and learn?

-We started our workshop asking if anybody had any experience playing Bingo. Can anyone explain how we play Bingo?

-We played Bingo with Dutch long, short and vowel combinations, colors and numbers from 0 to 9 :-) And we all won!

-We played finding things around us with the same color it was called and we also got examples of words with the letters being called

-We had a great time! :-D

​Subject: "The four seasons and the Autumn"

What did we do and learn?

-We began talking asking what the four seasons in Dutch are. We had a question round: What season are we in now? How do you know that? What does "Herfst" mean?

-We watched a very nice video and learned lots of Autumn vocabulary

-We played a crossword game and found as many Autumn words as possible, and as quick as possible! 

-Our workshop was a success! Children learned lots of new facts and words, everything while playing and having fun :-)

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Juf Julia

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